After some time to get to know their counselors and cabin mates, this week’s campers crowded into the chapel to watch our staff variety show. We love to make them laugh and make ourselves look silly by acting out funny skits. One highlight from this week’s show was the song 12 Days of Camp Lebanon. Twelve staff members stand on stage and sing our own special version of the 12 Days of Christmas. After the show it’s to their cabins and into bed.
In the morning, all the campers gather with their cabin for quiet time. This morning they spent some time getting to know the Bible – what it is and how to use it.
We have been hearing from Bobber Bill during chapel this week. He’s been talking about what traits make up a super hero and about the ultimate super hero – Jesus Christ. First, heroes are super powerful, second they are supper good, and third they are supper real. He spent this morning’s chapel talking about Jesus’ power, highlighting miracles like when He fed the 5000 (John 6:1-15) and when He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). Tomorrow’s chapel is about Jesus’ goodness, and the sacrifice He made for us in dying on the cross for us even while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8).

While we were in the amphitheater getting the results of their cabin inspections, we got a surprise visit from the super hero Captain Lebanon and his arch nemesis White Thunder. They have been battling it out all summer, but Captain Lebanon always wins in the end. Today after lunch, White Thunder tried to steal all our mail, but was finally defeated on the raft by our resident Cowboy for Christ, Big Blue.

We played some crazy water relays this afternoon, filling some canoe’s with water and throwing balls around and then it was finally free time. Candy from the canteen, crazy things from the trading post, crafts in the craft gazebo and of course tons of fun in or on Cedar Lake. The campers also had a blast playing Krazy Kickball down on the field for the afternoon option, sometimes having to run the bases backwards while squawking like a chicken.
Our last activity tonight was the Super Hero Challenge (formally known as the Carnival). Kids could get there hair done like a super hero and have their mask painted on and the face painting booth. There was tug-of-war, frisbee toss, and a water balloon course to name a few of the games. But best of all is the Dunk Tank. Any camper can put their counselor (or any staff member) into the chair of doom and throw balls at the target that will dump a bucket of freezing water on their heads. Then, once again, it’s time to head to cabins for bed.
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