Monday, June 23, 2008



After some time to get to know their counselors and cabin mates, this week’s campers crowded into the chapel to watch our staff variety show. We love to make them laugh and make ourselves look silly by acting out funny skits. One highlight from this week’s show was the song 12 Days of Camp Lebanon. Twelve staff members stand on stage and sing our own special version of the 12 Days of Christmas. After the show it’s to their cabins and into bed.

In the morning, all the campers gather with their cabin for quiet time. This morning they spent some time getting to know the Bible – what it is and how to use it.

We have been hearing from Bobber Bill during chapel this week. He’s been talking about what traits make up a super hero and about the ultimate super hero – Jesus Christ. First, heroes are super powerful, second they are supper good, and third they are supper real. He spent this morning’s chapel talking about Jesus’ power, highlighting miracles like when He fed the 5000 (John 6:1-15) and when He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). Tomorrow’s chapel is about Jesus’ goodness, and the sacrifice He made for us in dying on the cross for us even while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8).

While we were in the amphitheater getting the results of their cabin inspections, we got a surprise visit from the super hero Captain Lebanon and his arch nemesis White Thunder. They have been battling it out all summer, but Captain Lebanon always wins in the end. Today after lunch, White Thunder tried to steal all our mail, but was finally defeated on the raft by our resident Cowboy for Christ, Big Blue.

We played some crazy water relays this afternoon, filling some canoe’s with water and throwing balls around and then it was finally free time. Candy from the canteen, crazy things from the trading post, crafts in the craft gazebo and of course tons of fun in or on Cedar Lake. The campers also had a blast playing Krazy Kickball down on the field for the afternoon option, sometimes having to run the bases backwards while squawking like a chicken.

Our last activity tonight was the Super Hero Challenge (formally known as the Carnival). Kids could get there hair done like a super hero and have their mask painted on and the face painting booth. There was tug-of-war, frisbee toss, and a water balloon course to name a few of the games. But best of all is the Dunk Tank. Any camper can put their counselor (or any staff member) into the chair of doom and throw balls at the target that will dump a bucket of freezing water on their heads. Then, once again, it’s time to head to cabins for bed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Every day the campers have a block of time where they can decide between several options what they want to go do or learn about. We call them clinics and seminars. For an hour, they can go learn how to play Ultimate Frisbee better or how to create a human video. They also have a chance to learn about being Godly leaders/servants or how to share their faith in God with someone who doesn’t know Him.  There are fifteen different seminars or clinics over the course of the week and they have to go to a new one every time, so they get a chance to meet quite a few of the camp staff and learn something new about a lot of different things.

As our host Josh was reading off the cabin inspection reports, White Thunder and Captain Lebanon interrupted to have an epic battle… of tetherball. Naturally, Captain Lebanon was victorious and we were all dismissed for lunch.

The final leg of the triathlon was the kayak race. Following the same path as the swim did yesterday, the campers paired up with a cabin-mate and raced around the raft for a top time of 1:47.

Just before our morning chapel time, the cabins gather to have rap groups. They talk over some major issues the kids tend to be facing. Today’s rap group was all about purity and integrity. They discussed relationships from a Biblical perspective and how to prepare themselves for how those relationships will change in the future.

We had a picture scavenger hunt after dinner tonight, where all the cabins started at different spots and had to figure out from the picture posted there where to go next. Some of the pictures were really easy, but there were a few that even the girl planning the game couldn’t figure out on her own.

After some time for canteen, the kids played another game. Back for the second year due to poplar demand was camp’s version of Clue. Ten crazy suspects were waiting all over camp to answer questions about “Who dun it?”

Our last activity today was evening chapel. Nate’s still speaking on what makes a person one of God’s heroes and tonight’s chapel was about sacrifice. He talked about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins (Luke 23:33-49) and how God calls us to sacrifice of ourselves for others (Luke 9:23-24).  


After making sure their cabins were spic and span (hold them to it when they get home, parents) the kids scatter across camp to have their solo time. Every morning they get a little time to spend alone with God. Today’s lesson from 1 John 4:7-14 was all about love.

Just before lunch White Thunder, an arch villain out to terrorize Camp Lebanon, attempted to steal THE camp toilet paper (all that we has left for the summer, due to too much TP-ing by the staff). Luckily for all of us, Captain Lebanon, the leader of the Lebanon League of Super Heroes, was summoned and defeated the evil White Thunder with his sweeping leg kick.

White Thunder appeared again after lunch, trying to steal our mail. After managing to get it out to the raft in a paddleboat he was cornered by another one of camp’s super heroes, Big Blue, who forced him off the high dive and saved our mail.

The second leg of our triathlon was the swim. 38 kids swam out, around the raft and back with a top time of 2:47.

Free time was sunny and hot, so lots of kids ended up in or on the water even though it’s still really cold. Our afternoon option today was dodge ball, which is one of my personal favorites. Anyone who wanted had a chance to stare death in the face, or perhaps just a playground ball, as they battled it out on the sand volleyball court. No broken bones or bloody noses, just a chance to get out some pent up energy, and maybe whip a ball at a fellow camper or two.

Our speaker for the week Nate Hillman has been talking to us about what it takes to be one of God’s heroes. Tonight’s chapel was all about how heroes fight. He spoke about evil and God’s strength. We read David’s story; how he recognized God calling him to fight Goliath (1 Samuel 17) and talked about putting on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-13). He also talked about being ready to fight anywhere you go against evil with the weapons God has given us.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We had our 2 mile run/walk today - the first leg of our triathlon. The kids got to run out to the halfway point and back with a little help directing from our somewhat odd staff.
After the last few days of sun warmed up the lake a little, half the camp was out on the water during free time - swimming, tubing, or on a boat.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Super Kids - Day Two

Day Two Highlights:
With crazy field relays there's always a chance to get your counselor wet.

It was a nice sunny day, so the lake was full of kids having fun.

Our carnival this year was the Super Hero Challenge. Dunk your counselor, have your mask painted on and battle other super heroes. Oh, and try to avoid the flying water balloons.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Super Kids - Day One

Day One Highlights:

Rocking out to some fun songs at chapel.

The Counselor Hunt is old camp favorite. The counselors hide and any camper who finds them gets to push them in the lake. Here are some of the unlucky ones.

An excellent day for tubing on Cedar Lake.

New Zealand cabin lowering the flag.

The Big Game this week was Extreme Capture the Flag. Five boxes were hidden on either side and the kids had to run into enemy territory and back with their boxes.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Super Kids 1

June 8th

Camp Lebanon - Super Heroes