Wednesday, July 30, 2008


One of the morning options today was the Camp Lebanon triathlon. With all three legs at once, it definitely takes some stamina. First they swim across the lake, then quickly put on their shoes and run down the driveway and back, followed by a kayak out around the raft and back to shore. Our winning time was under 23 minutes and we even had two people compete while tied together.

Our guest speaker for morning chapel today was Molly Barnhart, who tours the nation speaking on the importance of abstinence. She challenged the campers to hold themselves to a higher standard than the world does and wait until marriage.

Our Asian themed dinner brought out some sweet costumes, not the least of which was a cameo appearance by the karate kid. The kitchen staff out did themselves with a variety of Asian inspired dishes.

Tonight’s big activity was the Mud Challenge. A giant game of tug of war over a mud pit definitely turned into chaos, but luckily ended with a jump in the lake to rinse off.

Scott talked about Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9) and the woman who washed Jesus feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-50). He asked us if we see people as Jesus sees them. So often we see relationships as projects or as items to check off our to do list, but Jesus always saw the person, what they really were. He gave us a pin to remind us to try and see people through Jesus’ eyes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


In our morning chapel today, Dave Wilson, spoke about the time he spent serving in the Muslim nations as a missionary. He shared the struggles and joys of working with the people and talked about the best way to present Christ to someone of the Muslim faith.

Dinner tonight had a ’80s/‘90s theme, which the staff went all out for. With burger baskets and Michael W. Smith playing in the background, it was definitely a flash back.

In chapel tonight Scott Woller, our speaker for the week, spoke on Joseph (Genesis 37). He talked about Joseph’s lack of humility, pointing out that Joseph kept wearing the coat that told his brothers their father loved him better. He called on us to take off the coat, to let go of our pride and take on the humility that Christ had when he washed the disciples’ feet (John 13). He gave all the campers a button to symbolize taking off the coat.

After chapel, we released the campers all over camp to try and figure out ‘who dun it’ in a camp wide game of Clue. Crazy characters waited in trees, on pontoons, even standing on top of cars to answer questions for campers in search of the one who killed Pete.

Our last activity of the day was a coffee house. With live music, board games, and a choice of coffee or hot chocolate, the campers had a chance to just hang out or to join in with the carpetball and pool tournaments. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Super Kids 3


After some time to watch a Veggie Tales, the kids came running out for the Counselor Hunt. All the staff hide and if a camper tags any of them, they get thrown in the lake.

Our game tonight was an all camp relay. The campers run with their cabins all over camp and do silly things for their next clue. In the end they had to solve a riddle for the win.

Chapel tonight was all about know the nature of our enemy, Satan, and sin. Shane, our speaker for the week, used the scene from the movie The Incredibles where the family is covered in black balls by the villain as an analogy. He talked about the fall of Lucifer and how sin effects him (Isaiah 14:12-13, Ezekiel 28:13-17). He ended with Romans 6:23 (“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”), telling us he’ll talk about the gift tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Junior High 2


Just before morning chapel, the campers have the option of choosing to participate in one of a couple of activities.  Today, they could join a diving contest, play dodge ball or kickball, do a round of the frisbee golf course, play some basketball or they can just hang out.

After supper was our Ultimate Volleyball Tournament. Most of the cabins dress alike or in funny outfits and compete to be the Camp Lebanon Volleyball champs. It’s a blast with music blaring in the background, the beach and canteen open, and everyone hanging out in one place.

Jake’s message tonight was from Luke 4:1-15 which shows us as Christians how Jesus came to defeat the enemy.  Christ enters the desert is tempted and overcomes Satan.  He does this so that we can be free from the power of sin in our lives.  Jesus answers all of the temptations that Satan throws at Him with Scripture.  This sets the example for us to use Scripture to counteract the lies of the enemy.  Satan will often take God’s truth and twist it so that it is 99% true but even that little bit of untruth will cause spiritual death.  Satan will whisper into your life as a snake trying to get you to believe in these half-truths.  When we fight back with Scripture the enemy changes his tactic and becomes like a lion trying to scare away from a true relationship with Jesus Christ.  Often this comes in the form of ridicule or persecution.  If we truly want to know Jesus we need to trust Him through the attacks of the enemy.  He understands.  He has been through the same experiences as evidenced in Hebrews 4: 14-15.  He has provided us a way out of temptation and if we truly desire release from the bondage of sin we need to be honest with Christ and with wise Christian friends. Let the healing begin.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Junior High 2


Before being dismissed for lunch, the campers met Captain Lebanon, the leader of the Lebanon League of Super Heroes. He showed us some of his many talents, including super strength and super speed.

Our speaker for the week, Jake Minell, started off tonight’s chapel telling us about the time he and his friends hiked 12 mile up a mountain in the wrong direction with no water. He talked about being thirsty and the living water Jesus promised in John 7:37-39. He asked us where we turning to fill the empty place inside, the soul hole. Are we looking to human relationships and things of this world that leave us empty and dry? Or are we taking the better offer, the Messiah offering a relationship with himself (John 4:25-26)?

The night game we played tonight was brand new to camp and has been dubbed “Secret Agent Man”. A variation of sardines where the campers searched  for the real secret agent amidst the decoys hidden all over camp.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Super Kids 2


After some time singing, the campers break up into cabins for some devotional time, what we call Super Hero University. Today’s was all about knowing what the Bible says. They spend time reading the stories of the super heroes in the Bible, like Moses and Jonah, and read about some of Jesus’ miracles. Then they have some time for memorizing today’s Bible Verse, 2 Corinthians 12:9. “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Just before Toes Up, which gives the kids a chance to relax while watching some Veggie Tales, we had this week’s edition of American Postman. Super heroes were competing for the title, trying to get the mail past the villain Copy Cat. With a few failed attempts, and some rather confused heroes, Rampage was named the winner. However, as he was still kayaking in circles, his prize of the mail was given out to the campers.

Tonight’s chapel focused on Nehemiah. Leane talked about his willingness to take on a job that was much too big for him in rebuilding the wall (Nehemiah 2 & 4). He prayed to God for strength and God did the impossible through him. The campers broke off into cabins and talked about how they would have felt in Nehemiah’s shoes. They talked about times in their life when it felt like they had to do something impossible and what they did about it.  Chapel closed with Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Today’s last activity was the Super Hero Challenge. The campers get to play games for tickets, have their face painted, eat some cotton candy and possible get their counselor wet at the dunk tank.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Super Kids 2


After some time to clean up their cabins, the campers go to skills time where they learn something new from some of the camp staff. Over the course of the week, every cabin makes it through all six. We have swimming, canoeing, initiatives, archery, create a superhero, and world trek. In swimming they learn about different strokes and kick techniques, and then get to practice while playing in the water. At our canoeing skill they learn how to correctly hold and use the paddle and how to steer. At initiatives they learn about leadership and trust while playing games. In archery they learn to notch an arrow and hold and shoot a bow. They create their own super hero, mask and all, in the craft room. On the world trek, they learn a bit about each of the countries we’ve named our cabins for.

As free time was coming to a close, we had a huge storm blow over us, dumping tons of water down. It passed over in just a few minutes, but gave us the chance to play a spectacular game of mud soccer. Four balls, 200 people, and a bunch of very wet grass all add up to a lot of messy fun.

Leane, our speaker for the week, has been talking to us about being a super hero. Tonight chapel was about Moses and how he didn’t feel worthy. God gave him special powers and abilities, but he still didn’t think he was the person for the job when God asked him to free the Israelites (Exodus 3 & 4). At the end of our chapel time, the cabins broke off into groups to talk about times when we feel the same, that God couldn’t possible mean to use us. They ended with the verse John 1:12, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”