Before being dismissed for lunch, the campers met Captain Lebanon, the leader of the Lebanon League of Super Heroes. He showed us some of his many talents, including super strength and super speed.
Our speaker for the week, Jake Minell, started off tonight’s chapel telling us about the time he and his friends hiked 12 mile up a mountain in the wrong direction with no water. He talked about being thirsty and the living water Jesus promised in John 7:37-39. He asked us where we turning to fill the empty place inside, the soul hole. Are we looking to human relationships and things of this world that leave us empty and dry? Or are we taking the better offer, the Messiah offering a relationship with himself (John 4:25-26)?

The night game we played tonight was brand new to camp and has been dubbed “Secret Agent Man”. A variation of sardines where the campers searched for the real secret agent amidst the decoys hidden all over camp.
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