One of the morning options today was the Camp Lebanon triathlon. With all three legs at once, it definitely takes some stamina. First they swim across the lake, then quickly put on their shoes and run down the driveway and back, followed by a kayak out around the raft and back to shore. Our winning time was under 23 minutes and we even had two people compete while tied together.
Our guest speaker for morning chapel today was Molly Barnhart, who tours the nation speaking on the importance of abstinence. She challenged the campers to hold themselves to a higher standard than the world does and wait until marriage.
Our Asian themed dinner brought out some sweet costumes, not the least of which was a cameo appearance by the karate kid. The kitchen staff out did themselves with a variety of Asian inspired dishes.

Tonight’s big activity was the Mud Challenge. A giant game of tug of war over a mud pit definitely turned into chaos, but luckily ended with a jump in the lake to rinse off.
Scott talked about Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9) and the woman who washed Jesus feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-50). He asked us if we see people as Jesus sees them. So often we see relationships as projects or as items to check off our to do list, but Jesus always saw the person, what they really were. He gave us a pin to remind us to try and see people through Jesus’ eyes.
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