Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Super Kids 4


After a few songs in the chapel, the campers break up into cabins for some time to study the Bible, what we call Super Hero University. Today they spent time reading the stories of the super heroes in the Bible, like Moses and Jonah, and read about some of Jesus’ miracles. Then they have some time to memorize one of our memory verses which is Romans 10:9-10 – “That if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

In chapel tonight Micah talked about temptation and the cycle of sin (James 1:14-15). When bad things happen to us it make us want to lash back and hurt someone else. He spoke about how sin leads to death and how Jesus was the one person who never sinned, but still died. He died for us, so that the darkness and sin can be taken away. So we are left with a choice. Do we live for sin, or do we live for God?

The last thing on our schedule tonight was the Superhero Challenge. The kids get to play crazy games for tickets, dump water on their counselor, eat cotton candy and have their face painted and hair done.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Super Kids 4


Today we had our last Counselor Hunt of the summer. The staff hide all over camp while the campers are watching Veggie Tales for Toes Up time and when the bell rings the kids come running. If they tag a staff member, they get to throw them in the lake.

For the 4 o’clock option today we played dodgeball. Each team had a medic that could bring players back from the dead and the teams tried to get the other’s medic out without loosing their own to finish the game.

After a rainy free time, the sky cleared up enough for us to play a game of capture the flag after dinner. Instead of a flag, each team had a frisbee, a life-jacket, and a cardboard box to hide. With the game being played boys against girls it was easy to tell who was on your team and whom you needed to tag and send to jail.

In chapel tonight Micah, our speaker this week, talked about superhero weaknesses and villains. Yesterday, he asked us to think about our story, about the hurts and hard things we’ve gone through in life. Tonight he asked us what lies we are being told and are choosing to believe. He talked about the fall of mankind (Genesis 3) and how everyone has sin and darkness inside themselves. We are left with a choice. Do we believe the lies this world is telling us or do we believe the truth we learn in God’s word? Micah asked us to think about the times we’ve seen the darkness in life, been hurt and wanted to hurt back, bought into the lies and share that with someone we trust. 

Thursday, August 7, 2008


This morning campers had the option to participate in camp’s triathlon. First, they swim out around the raft and back from the boat ramp. They quickly put on their shoes and run down the driveway and back. Finally, they jump in a kayak and paddle around the raft and back for their final time.

For mail call today the campers were treated to a live video game in which Mr. Incredible battles other super heroes for the mail.

In tonight’s chapel Jim talked to us about Jesus’ power. We read about him turning water to wine (John 2) and calming the seas (Luke 8:22-25). With God having power over everything, Jim asked us why we cling so tightly to control over our lives. Jesus wants us to give control over to Him so He can use our lives for His glory.

Tonight was the last game of Clue for the summer. Oscar the Grouch, Belle, Justin Mornau, Han Solo and Chewbacca, Chuck Norris, Peter Pan and Wendy, Dora the Explorer, Mr. Tumnis, and the Chiquita Banana Lady were scattered all over camp and the campers had to find out who killed Pete by asking them yes or no questions. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Junior High 3


Our afternoon optional game for the day was Mushball. It’s played like softball, but the ball is much larger and softer.

A staple of our Junior High camps is the Volleyball Tourney. All the campers battle it out as a cabin for the championship. There are always other things to do while waiting to play, too, with frisbees and footballs flying, an impromptu game of baseball on the field, and the beach open. Still, a lot of kids use the tournament as a chance to just sit around and hang out.

Chapel tonight was about how Jesus was a super hero unmasked. He never tried to hide who he was. We read about God’s glory being revealed to Moses (Exodus 34) and how he had to veil his face as it was shining too brightly to look at. Jim talked about who God is and why we should be seeking after a relationship with Him. It’s a privilege to be the recipient of the grace we have received through Jesus.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Junior High 3


During the break out session of morning chapel the campers get together as cabins and today they went through 1 Timothy 1, which talks about sincere faith, trust in God, and using the gift we have been given in his Spirit

The amphitheatre looked a bit like a junkyard at supper time this evening as the campers all took part in a camp wide scavenger hunt. With no idea what was on the list, they scoured camp for anything they thought would make the game leaders laugh and brought back kayaks, picnic tables, and even an entire life jacket rack.

In chapel tonight our speaker Jim Barringer talked about our super hero Jesus and how he heals. He healed by touch, by faith, even from death and He wants to heal us (Acts 2:21, John 3:16).

Our last activity for the day was a crazy game of Pandemonium. The campers try to get to three stations across camp and have a paper stamped while all the staff wanders around with playground balls trying to stop them. Once they have all the marks they need they try and get into the only unlocked door to the chalet, even with the door constantly changing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


One of the morning options today was the Camp Lebanon triathlon. With all three legs at once, it definitely takes some stamina. First they swim across the lake, then quickly put on their shoes and run down the driveway and back, followed by a kayak out around the raft and back to shore. Our winning time was under 23 minutes and we even had two people compete while tied together.

Our guest speaker for morning chapel today was Molly Barnhart, who tours the nation speaking on the importance of abstinence. She challenged the campers to hold themselves to a higher standard than the world does and wait until marriage.

Our Asian themed dinner brought out some sweet costumes, not the least of which was a cameo appearance by the karate kid. The kitchen staff out did themselves with a variety of Asian inspired dishes.

Tonight’s big activity was the Mud Challenge. A giant game of tug of war over a mud pit definitely turned into chaos, but luckily ended with a jump in the lake to rinse off.

Scott talked about Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9) and the woman who washed Jesus feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-50). He asked us if we see people as Jesus sees them. So often we see relationships as projects or as items to check off our to do list, but Jesus always saw the person, what they really were. He gave us a pin to remind us to try and see people through Jesus’ eyes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


In our morning chapel today, Dave Wilson, spoke about the time he spent serving in the Muslim nations as a missionary. He shared the struggles and joys of working with the people and talked about the best way to present Christ to someone of the Muslim faith.

Dinner tonight had a ’80s/‘90s theme, which the staff went all out for. With burger baskets and Michael W. Smith playing in the background, it was definitely a flash back.

In chapel tonight Scott Woller, our speaker for the week, spoke on Joseph (Genesis 37). He talked about Joseph’s lack of humility, pointing out that Joseph kept wearing the coat that told his brothers their father loved him better. He called on us to take off the coat, to let go of our pride and take on the humility that Christ had when he washed the disciples’ feet (John 13). He gave all the campers a button to symbolize taking off the coat.

After chapel, we released the campers all over camp to try and figure out ‘who dun it’ in a camp wide game of Clue. Crazy characters waited in trees, on pontoons, even standing on top of cars to answer questions for campers in search of the one who killed Pete.

Our last activity of the day was a coffee house. With live music, board games, and a choice of coffee or hot chocolate, the campers had a chance to just hang out or to join in with the carpetball and pool tournaments. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Super Kids 3


After some time to watch a Veggie Tales, the kids came running out for the Counselor Hunt. All the staff hide and if a camper tags any of them, they get thrown in the lake.

Our game tonight was an all camp relay. The campers run with their cabins all over camp and do silly things for their next clue. In the end they had to solve a riddle for the win.

Chapel tonight was all about know the nature of our enemy, Satan, and sin. Shane, our speaker for the week, used the scene from the movie The Incredibles where the family is covered in black balls by the villain as an analogy. He talked about the fall of Lucifer and how sin effects him (Isaiah 14:12-13, Ezekiel 28:13-17). He ended with Romans 6:23 (“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”), telling us he’ll talk about the gift tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Junior High 2


Just before morning chapel, the campers have the option of choosing to participate in one of a couple of activities.  Today, they could join a diving contest, play dodge ball or kickball, do a round of the frisbee golf course, play some basketball or they can just hang out.

After supper was our Ultimate Volleyball Tournament. Most of the cabins dress alike or in funny outfits and compete to be the Camp Lebanon Volleyball champs. It’s a blast with music blaring in the background, the beach and canteen open, and everyone hanging out in one place.

Jake’s message tonight was from Luke 4:1-15 which shows us as Christians how Jesus came to defeat the enemy.  Christ enters the desert is tempted and overcomes Satan.  He does this so that we can be free from the power of sin in our lives.  Jesus answers all of the temptations that Satan throws at Him with Scripture.  This sets the example for us to use Scripture to counteract the lies of the enemy.  Satan will often take God’s truth and twist it so that it is 99% true but even that little bit of untruth will cause spiritual death.  Satan will whisper into your life as a snake trying to get you to believe in these half-truths.  When we fight back with Scripture the enemy changes his tactic and becomes like a lion trying to scare away from a true relationship with Jesus Christ.  Often this comes in the form of ridicule or persecution.  If we truly want to know Jesus we need to trust Him through the attacks of the enemy.  He understands.  He has been through the same experiences as evidenced in Hebrews 4: 14-15.  He has provided us a way out of temptation and if we truly desire release from the bondage of sin we need to be honest with Christ and with wise Christian friends. Let the healing begin.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Junior High 2


Before being dismissed for lunch, the campers met Captain Lebanon, the leader of the Lebanon League of Super Heroes. He showed us some of his many talents, including super strength and super speed.

Our speaker for the week, Jake Minell, started off tonight’s chapel telling us about the time he and his friends hiked 12 mile up a mountain in the wrong direction with no water. He talked about being thirsty and the living water Jesus promised in John 7:37-39. He asked us where we turning to fill the empty place inside, the soul hole. Are we looking to human relationships and things of this world that leave us empty and dry? Or are we taking the better offer, the Messiah offering a relationship with himself (John 4:25-26)?

The night game we played tonight was brand new to camp and has been dubbed “Secret Agent Man”. A variation of sardines where the campers searched  for the real secret agent amidst the decoys hidden all over camp.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Super Kids 2


After some time singing, the campers break up into cabins for some devotional time, what we call Super Hero University. Today’s was all about knowing what the Bible says. They spend time reading the stories of the super heroes in the Bible, like Moses and Jonah, and read about some of Jesus’ miracles. Then they have some time for memorizing today’s Bible Verse, 2 Corinthians 12:9. “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Just before Toes Up, which gives the kids a chance to relax while watching some Veggie Tales, we had this week’s edition of American Postman. Super heroes were competing for the title, trying to get the mail past the villain Copy Cat. With a few failed attempts, and some rather confused heroes, Rampage was named the winner. However, as he was still kayaking in circles, his prize of the mail was given out to the campers.

Tonight’s chapel focused on Nehemiah. Leane talked about his willingness to take on a job that was much too big for him in rebuilding the wall (Nehemiah 2 & 4). He prayed to God for strength and God did the impossible through him. The campers broke off into cabins and talked about how they would have felt in Nehemiah’s shoes. They talked about times in their life when it felt like they had to do something impossible and what they did about it.  Chapel closed with Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Today’s last activity was the Super Hero Challenge. The campers get to play games for tickets, have their face painted, eat some cotton candy and possible get their counselor wet at the dunk tank.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Super Kids 2


After some time to clean up their cabins, the campers go to skills time where they learn something new from some of the camp staff. Over the course of the week, every cabin makes it through all six. We have swimming, canoeing, initiatives, archery, create a superhero, and world trek. In swimming they learn about different strokes and kick techniques, and then get to practice while playing in the water. At our canoeing skill they learn how to correctly hold and use the paddle and how to steer. At initiatives they learn about leadership and trust while playing games. In archery they learn to notch an arrow and hold and shoot a bow. They create their own super hero, mask and all, in the craft room. On the world trek, they learn a bit about each of the countries we’ve named our cabins for.

As free time was coming to a close, we had a huge storm blow over us, dumping tons of water down. It passed over in just a few minutes, but gave us the chance to play a spectacular game of mud soccer. Four balls, 200 people, and a bunch of very wet grass all add up to a lot of messy fun.

Leane, our speaker for the week, has been talking to us about being a super hero. Tonight chapel was about Moses and how he didn’t feel worthy. God gave him special powers and abilities, but he still didn’t think he was the person for the job when God asked him to free the Israelites (Exodus 3 & 4). At the end of our chapel time, the cabins broke off into groups to talk about times when we feel the same, that God couldn’t possible mean to use us. They ended with the verse John 1:12, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

Monday, June 23, 2008



After some time to get to know their counselors and cabin mates, this week’s campers crowded into the chapel to watch our staff variety show. We love to make them laugh and make ourselves look silly by acting out funny skits. One highlight from this week’s show was the song 12 Days of Camp Lebanon. Twelve staff members stand on stage and sing our own special version of the 12 Days of Christmas. After the show it’s to their cabins and into bed.

In the morning, all the campers gather with their cabin for quiet time. This morning they spent some time getting to know the Bible – what it is and how to use it.

We have been hearing from Bobber Bill during chapel this week. He’s been talking about what traits make up a super hero and about the ultimate super hero – Jesus Christ. First, heroes are super powerful, second they are supper good, and third they are supper real. He spent this morning’s chapel talking about Jesus’ power, highlighting miracles like when He fed the 5000 (John 6:1-15) and when He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). Tomorrow’s chapel is about Jesus’ goodness, and the sacrifice He made for us in dying on the cross for us even while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8).

While we were in the amphitheater getting the results of their cabin inspections, we got a surprise visit from the super hero Captain Lebanon and his arch nemesis White Thunder. They have been battling it out all summer, but Captain Lebanon always wins in the end. Today after lunch, White Thunder tried to steal all our mail, but was finally defeated on the raft by our resident Cowboy for Christ, Big Blue.

We played some crazy water relays this afternoon, filling some canoe’s with water and throwing balls around and then it was finally free time. Candy from the canteen, crazy things from the trading post, crafts in the craft gazebo and of course tons of fun in or on Cedar Lake. The campers also had a blast playing Krazy Kickball down on the field for the afternoon option, sometimes having to run the bases backwards while squawking like a chicken.

Our last activity tonight was the Super Hero Challenge (formally known as the Carnival). Kids could get there hair done like a super hero and have their mask painted on and the face painting booth. There was tug-of-war, frisbee toss, and a water balloon course to name a few of the games. But best of all is the Dunk Tank. Any camper can put their counselor (or any staff member) into the chair of doom and throw balls at the target that will dump a bucket of freezing water on their heads. Then, once again, it’s time to head to cabins for bed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Every day the campers have a block of time where they can decide between several options what they want to go do or learn about. We call them clinics and seminars. For an hour, they can go learn how to play Ultimate Frisbee better or how to create a human video. They also have a chance to learn about being Godly leaders/servants or how to share their faith in God with someone who doesn’t know Him.  There are fifteen different seminars or clinics over the course of the week and they have to go to a new one every time, so they get a chance to meet quite a few of the camp staff and learn something new about a lot of different things.

As our host Josh was reading off the cabin inspection reports, White Thunder and Captain Lebanon interrupted to have an epic battle… of tetherball. Naturally, Captain Lebanon was victorious and we were all dismissed for lunch.

The final leg of the triathlon was the kayak race. Following the same path as the swim did yesterday, the campers paired up with a cabin-mate and raced around the raft for a top time of 1:47.

Just before our morning chapel time, the cabins gather to have rap groups. They talk over some major issues the kids tend to be facing. Today’s rap group was all about purity and integrity. They discussed relationships from a Biblical perspective and how to prepare themselves for how those relationships will change in the future.

We had a picture scavenger hunt after dinner tonight, where all the cabins started at different spots and had to figure out from the picture posted there where to go next. Some of the pictures were really easy, but there were a few that even the girl planning the game couldn’t figure out on her own.

After some time for canteen, the kids played another game. Back for the second year due to poplar demand was camp’s version of Clue. Ten crazy suspects were waiting all over camp to answer questions about “Who dun it?”

Our last activity today was evening chapel. Nate’s still speaking on what makes a person one of God’s heroes and tonight’s chapel was about sacrifice. He talked about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins (Luke 23:33-49) and how God calls us to sacrifice of ourselves for others (Luke 9:23-24).  


After making sure their cabins were spic and span (hold them to it when they get home, parents) the kids scatter across camp to have their solo time. Every morning they get a little time to spend alone with God. Today’s lesson from 1 John 4:7-14 was all about love.

Just before lunch White Thunder, an arch villain out to terrorize Camp Lebanon, attempted to steal THE camp toilet paper (all that we has left for the summer, due to too much TP-ing by the staff). Luckily for all of us, Captain Lebanon, the leader of the Lebanon League of Super Heroes, was summoned and defeated the evil White Thunder with his sweeping leg kick.

White Thunder appeared again after lunch, trying to steal our mail. After managing to get it out to the raft in a paddleboat he was cornered by another one of camp’s super heroes, Big Blue, who forced him off the high dive and saved our mail.

The second leg of our triathlon was the swim. 38 kids swam out, around the raft and back with a top time of 2:47.

Free time was sunny and hot, so lots of kids ended up in or on the water even though it’s still really cold. Our afternoon option today was dodge ball, which is one of my personal favorites. Anyone who wanted had a chance to stare death in the face, or perhaps just a playground ball, as they battled it out on the sand volleyball court. No broken bones or bloody noses, just a chance to get out some pent up energy, and maybe whip a ball at a fellow camper or two.

Our speaker for the week Nate Hillman has been talking to us about what it takes to be one of God’s heroes. Tonight’s chapel was all about how heroes fight. He spoke about evil and God’s strength. We read David’s story; how he recognized God calling him to fight Goliath (1 Samuel 17) and talked about putting on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-13). He also talked about being ready to fight anywhere you go against evil with the weapons God has given us.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We had our 2 mile run/walk today - the first leg of our triathlon. The kids got to run out to the halfway point and back with a little help directing from our somewhat odd staff.
After the last few days of sun warmed up the lake a little, half the camp was out on the water during free time - swimming, tubing, or on a boat.